Commendations & Reccomendations 2015

Click here to download printable copy of Commendations and recommendations


Core Values, Beliefs, and Learning Expectations

  1. The core values, beliefs and learning expectations that reflect the priorities of the community
  2. The pervasive acceptance and commitment to the ideals of core values, beliefs, and learning expectations by students, staff and parents
  3. The variety of opportunities to reinforce and re-teach the core values, beliefs and learning expectations through various school initiatives


  1. The hard work and dedication of teachers to implement the curricula and co-curricular activities with the available provided supplies, funds, resources, materials, and technology
  2. The school's comprehensive and varied course of studies and curricula, including courses at different levels, implemented with care by dedicated educators, purposefully designed to give current students a comprehensive education
  3. The most current curriculum model that integrates current standards, provides substantive lists of instructional strategies and assessments and the written curriculum that uses essential questions and big ideas and emphasizes higher order thinking
  4. The clear curricular coordination at the course level with their partner high school and across staff, and a defined process for curriculum revision, review and adoption
  5. The regular collaboration of staff, especially in data teams and in the use of common assessments that shows the staff is clearly committed to implementing the district curriculum


  1. The preponderance of teachers that frequently personalize instruction, engage students as active and self-directed learners, and emphasize inquiry, problem-solving, and higher order thinking
  2. The active use of student self-assessment and reflection to inform instruction
  3. The willingness and commitment of the staff to utilize technology in order to enhance instruction
  4. The use of data teams to develop common formative assessments and analyze data
  5. The effective use of data team time by many teachers to discuss student performance in order to inform instruction
  6. The continual informal collaboration among teachers in order to improve instructional practices
  7. The collaborative work opportunities for students in all content area lesson
  8. The teachers at BCHS who are highly motivated to maintain a high level of expertise in their content areas

Assessment of and for Student Learning

  1. The BCHS faculty's utilization of a wide array of assessments, both formative and summative
  2. The common formative assessments that are implemented and used on a regular basis
  3. The faculty's commitmentto meet on a regular and formal basis to collect, disaggregate, and analyze student data
  4. The faculty's work to modify instruction based on the outcomes of the data-team meetings to better meet students' needs

School Culture and Leadership

  1. The safe and respectful atmosphere and positive school culture developed and spear-headed by the principal
  2. The use of block scheduling for in-depth learning and professional collaboration and the school's commitment to collaboration through scheduled release time every Wednesday afternoon
  3. The passion and commitment to improving the school environment and to work consistently to engage students in the learning process
  4. The strong presence and leadership of the building administrators that sets the tone during the school day, during passing times, and at school events
  5. The respect and responsibility that is afforded to students
  6. The BCHS atmosphere that is inclusive and equitable
  7. The school-wide formal process that provides students with regular contact with at least one adult member of the school community and remains with that adult member throughout their entire stay at BCHS

School Resources for Learning

  1. The interpersonal relationships with all students that foster a sense of community
  2. The extraordinary efforts of BCHS to support at-risk students
  3. The support offered to students via the ninth grade team
  4. The proactive commitment to survey the community to inform programming decisions
  5. The diversity of support services available for identified students including special education, Section 504 of the ADA, and English language learners

Community Resources for Learning

  1. The positive school culture and meaningful relationships between students and staff
  2. The organization and professionalism of the maintenance staff maintaining the physical plant and facilities
  3. The staff's creativity and dedication in attempting to build meaningful connections with outside stakeholders
  4. The creativity of teachers to find funding for extra-curricular activities


Core Values, Beliefs, and Learning Expectations

  1. Develop and implement a formal plan to ensure the core values, beliefs, and 21st century learning expectations drive curriculum, instruction and assessment in every classroom
  2. Develop and implement a formal plan for regular review of BCHS's core values, beliefs, and learning expectations based on research, multiple data sources, as well as district and school community priorities
  3. Develop a deliberate system to ensure the learning expectations are implemented with fidelity in all classrooms settings
  4. Develop a process whereby BCHS can focus on their own respective core values, beliefs about learning and 21st century learning skills and not be impeded by the shared curriculum and decisions that are made concerning BEHS


  1. Ensure that all curricular areas receive sufficient financial resources, including technology, equipment materials and staffing needed to implement the curriculum and meet the learning needs of all students
  2. Implement a plan to identify and integrate the school's adopted 21st century learning expectations explicitly in curriculum documents to ensure all students have the opportunity to learn these skills, and include explicit cross-disciplinary learning experiences in the written curriculum
  3. Clearly identify the curricular review timeline and expectations and formalize plans to increase curricular alignment across grade levels, subjects and schools, including sending schools.
  4. Update all curriculum documents, particularly science, to the curriculum format model approved in 2013-14
  5. Implement a plan for more formal monitoring of curriculum implementation to ensure the written curriculum is the taught curriculum


  1. Develop and implement a plan to provide formal opportunities for teachers to regularly examine their instructional practices in order to ensure consistency with BCHS's core values, beliefs, and 21st century learning expectations
  2. Develop and implement a plan to ensure increased opportunities for cross-disciplinary lessons and activities
  3. Provide professional development opportunities for teachers focusing on differentiating instruction
  4. Develop a plan to ensure sufficient financial and logistical support for content-based professional development
  5. Implement a plan to ensure there are differentiated instructional strategies and methods in all courses for acceleration, remediation and specific needs of populations such as English language learners (beyond specific ELL courses), special education students, and free/reduced lunch students

Assessment of and for Student Learning

  1. Develop and implement a process to assess individual student progress in achieving the school's 21st century learning expectations using school-wide analytic rubrics
  2. Develop and implement a process to communicate individual student progress in achieving the school's 21st century learning expectations to students and their families and the whole school's progress in achieving the school's 21st century learning expectations to the school community
  3. Ensure the applicable 21st century learning expectations are communicated to students prior to each unit of study
  4. Ensure timely corrective feedback is provided to all students to revise and improve their work

School Culture and Leadership

  1. Develop a focused clear professional development plan that is aligned with the school's focus and vision
  2. Define specific goals and objectives for the advisory program and design a model for teachers to implement across the school community
  3. Review the scheduling protocol and implement scheduling practices that balances class size across all disciplines and all levels
  4. Create additional opportunities to improve upon the strong, positive, and collaborative culture that exists, in order to encourage more parental involvement in the decision-making processes of the school community

School Resources for Learning

  1. Develop and implement a process for guidance, health services, library media, and special education services to use relevant data, including solicited feedback from students and parents, in order to improve services
  2. Develop appropriate referral services are in place in guidance and health services to meet the mental health and social support needs of students, particularly those at risk
  3. Commit appropriate library/media services provide a wide range of materials and technology to support the schools implementation of curriculum, and is responsive to student's interests, needs, and independent learning

Community Resources for Learning

  1. Engage the community and the district's governing body in a process to ensure dependable funding for a sufficient professional and support staff, a full range of technology and support, and sufficient instructional materials, supplied, and equipment
  2. Implement a plan to fund and support technology infrastructure and training needed to drive 21st century learning for students
  3. Develop long range plans to address programs and services, facility needs, enrollment and staffing, technology, and capital improvements
  4. Develop a plan to increase the provision of the elective courses that have been eliminated due to staffing decreases to reduce the number of students assigned to study halls
  5. Create ways to improve community and school partnerships with local businesses and higher education institutions
  6. Develop a comprehensive documented plan to create meaningful partnerships and engagement with families
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