
Teaching & Learning Standard

Assessment of & for Student Learning

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Executive Summary

Bristol Central High School is actively working towards implementing a formal process to assess both whole school and individual student progress in achieving its 21st century learning expectations through the use of school-wide analytical rubrics. Teachers at Bristol Central recognize the importance of rubrics; they are regularly communicating individual student progress effectively on content standards. Teachers also inform students of specific learning goals prior to the units of study. The use of corresponding rubrics prior to summative assessments is evident in teacher practice.

The instructional data team model is used effectively and consistently for several purposes including the creation, analysis, and revision of formative and summative assessments. Also, student achievement data is regularly collected, disaggregated and analyzed by the faculty and administration to inform and adapt teacher practices to improve student outcomes. Curricular revisions as well as Common Formative Assessments and summative assessments are driven by student performance data collected and analyzed during instructional data team time.

Teachers are regularly employing a wide range of formative and summative assessment strategies in order to assess student learning and drive instruction. Teachers are able to collaborate and create content specific formative assessments within instructional data teams to discover additional student weaknesses in both content and Common Core State Standard skills. Teachers provide specific and timely feedback on student work and allow students the opportunity to revise and improve their work.

Based on the Rating Guide for this standard, Bristol Central High School judges its adherence to this standard as ACCEPTABLE.


  • Use of a formal process to collect, disaggregate and analyze data for student achievement inequities through instructional data teams
  • Teacher practice of informing students of specific learning goals prior to units of study
  • Corresponding rubrics provided by teachers prior to summative assessments
  • Wide range of assessment strategies used by the professional staff including formative and summative
  • Ample time allowed for instructional data teams to collaborate on creation, analysis, and revision of formative and summative assessments
  • Specific and timely feedback provided by teachers to ensure students revise and improve their work
  • Regular use of formative assessments to inform teachers and drive instruction.
  • Consistent evaluation of student evidence to revise curriculum and improve instructional practice


  • Design and implement consistent whole-school use of school-wide rubrics to assess individual student progress on school's 21st century learning expectations
  • Effectively communicate the school's 21st century learning expectations to educational stakeholders (students, parents and community members)
  • Encourage and support the teacher practice of informing students of the school's applicable 21st century learning expectations prior to units of study
  • Review and revise school's grading policies that align with the school's core values and beliefs
  • Ameliorate the PowerSchool and district issues to facilitate the formal reporting of individual student progress in achieving the school's 21st century learning expectations.
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