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Bristol Central High School

Pat Parente

Inducted 2019

Teacher, Coach, Alumnus

A man in a suit and glasses holds a plaque commemorating his induction into the Bristol Sports Hall of Fame.

A 1968 graduate of Bristol Central High School and later CCSU, Pat Parente has coached a variety of sports. In his early years at Bristol Central, he coached freshmen boys soccer, varsity girls soccer, and boys track and field. Pat is most well-known for his involvement in high school wrestling, however, having served as Bristol Central assistant wrestling coach, Central head varsity coach, CIAC wrestling site director, CIAC state tournament director, and CIAC state committee member. Bristol Central teams have won two state titles and 11 conference championships under his watch.

He has received multiple awards for his efforts, including USA Wrestling Magazine’s Assistant Coach of the Year, the Ralph Papazian Award, and the Bristol Tramps Service Award. He has been inducted into the New England Council Wrestling Hall of Fame. Amidst all this effort, Pat took time over the years to coach youth baseball in McCabe-Waters Little League, Bristol Park Department youth soccer, Pony League baseball, and to volunteer at the Bristol Boys and Girls Club as Youth Wrestling coordinator, all for the benefit of his two sons.