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Bristol Central High School

Governance Committee

Parent representation is needed on the school governance committee. The Governance Committee consists of parents, teachers and students and meets monthly to discuss issues of relevance to the school. Membership on the Governance Committee includes the Class president or representative from each class, an administrator, one teacher from each department, non-certified staff, members of the community and parent representatives.

Governance Committee is involved in the following areas:

  • Development of priorities and school goals
  • Assessment of needs of the school community
  • Development of building level policies
  • Monitoring curriculum to be sure it is up to date
  • Assist in hiring of teachers and administrators if needed
  • Monitor and evaluate ongoing policies and procedures as established by the council or the Board of Education

The Governance Committee meets on the first Monday of every month. Additional meetings may be called by the chairperson as needed. All committee meetings are open to the public.

The 2022 -23 meeting dates are:

Sept. 12
Oct. 3
Nov. 7
Dec. 5
Jan. 9
Feb. 6
Mar. 6
Apr. 4
May 1
Jun. 5