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Bristol Central High School

Powder Puff Games Home

16th Annual Powder Puff Football Games
Sponsored by Interact Club

2021 Powder Puff Standings

Juniors 1-0-1
Seniors 0-0-2
Sophomores 0-1-1


First Game: Juniors 12, Sophomores 0
2nd Game: Sophomores 6, Seniors 6
3rd Game: Seniors 0, Juniors 0


A group of young people pose for a photo on a red track, wearing blue shirts with a pink design.

The Seniors

A group of students pose for a photo in front of a golf cart, wearing matching purple shirts that say 'Junior Class of 2023' and 'Powderpuff.'

The Juniors

A group of young people pose for a photo on a football field, wearing pink shirts with the words 'Powderpuff 2024' printed on them.

The Sophomores