Our Program provides:
- Driver Education classes in 15 (2 hours each) classes for a total of 30 hours.
- A state-mandated, 2-hour training session for each student and a parent;
- This is scheduled for the first class in the evening.
- Eight hours of behind-the-wheel instruction for each student.
Driver's Education registration is now available online. After school sessions are offered at Bristol Central
Driver’s Ed @ BC
Click here to get started now!
Or scan the QR code
For sessions offered at Bristol Central you must be academically eligible, meet the age requirements and not be participating in a sport during the season in which you register for driver's ed. The summer session is open to all Bristol students.
Class size may be limited, first come, first served. You can also register for Driver's Ed by bringing a check in to the main office during the sign up period. The fee is $425. Refund information and more available during registration.
Click here to register online or register by phone at 860-584-7865.